Yahoo Pipes Ex 2

Xmas Gifts

Monday, March 5, 2012


1. Why is Hadoop a "Big Deal"? Hadoop is a big data management system. Hadoop allows easy storing and process of large data. We see it in most sites visted today, including facebook, google, and yahoo. It makes it easy for users to build large scale systems. 2. Who are Cloudera? Cloudera consist of a community of developers including, Yahoo, facebook, lastfm, and quantcast. From these developers, cloudera builds a distribution from their codes and add features from customer requests and give it back to their community. 3. What is PIG? Pig was developed at Yahoo. Pig defines a new language called Pig Latin, designed for exploring large data set. Makes it easy fast rapid analysis of data. It's great for researchers who are familiar with programming. It allows you to write programs easily and act on them. 4. What is HIVE? Hive was developed at facebook Hive is similar to PIG. This is a data warehouse and query language. Allows you to collect data and impose structure on that data later, so you can define data after collecting it. This is great for statisticians who are already familiar with their data. It was used in facebook to empower people to look at the data they were collecting and make predictions from them. 5. What is Cassandra ? Cassandra helps create high scalable databases that is can then be distributed. It i being written in Java. It alo gets replicated in the data centers and makes sure that if the whole data center crashes no data is lost. It is present in facebook. A lot of graet data models have been created from it. 6. What is Mahout Mahout is the program that allows different sites to took user behavior and make different recommendations from items users might like. It also clusters information from documents and groups them in related documents. Mahout allows for classification which is the ability to take documents from different categories and assign them to similar labels. It allos to make things such as a list for other items of interest from an online shopping cart that one might have.

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