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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Facebook Infographic

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This infographic laid out my social life on facebook pretty well! For people who aren't familiar with who I am at all, it hit the nail on the head as to who I interact with most frequently. The photograph it framed up top is my "profile picture." Then the site filters my facebook and shows the most popular status that I have posted. It shows these ratings based on how many people have "liked" that status in correlation to other statuses.

I thought it was really interesting that it showed me a ratios for how commonly people liked or commented on either my pictures or my statuses. It then filtered my facebook friends and showed how many were men and female and from those it showed how many were in a relationship. It rated my top 5 friends in correlation to how much they've interacted with me on facebook. It then showed how many times I've smiled in my pictured vs did unknown gestures.

Towards the end it showed my friends based on where they lived and showed me a world map of where most are located. Another cool feature was how it filtered how many people on often I have with me on my picture (3.4). The top picture of the monster describes my interactions on facbeook. The girl holding the #1 finger shows i've gotten more than 100 likes on my page. There were two pages that it was unable to retrieve which was my friends birthdays as well as the friends I communicate with the most. That is probably because my friends have their profiles on private, only allowing friends to see such information.

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